Let The Wind Blow Through


Susannah Patterson
Oil on Canvas
33cm x 44cm

Framed in Tasmanian Oak

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One Day I was listening to David Bowie’s “Wild is the Wind”, and the line "let the wind blow through your heart" evoked a feeling of letting go and freedom.  I’ve always loved the wind  - the cleansing and uplifting feeling of it blowing through and taking all the cobwebs with it. This little painting was borne out of that song and the longing for that feeling on a day where I was feeling particularly blue (hence the dog!).

The Buddha says that all suffering comes from attachment, whether that is an unhealthy habit, a belief or value, and that to stop suffering, we must let go of such attachments. All much easier said than done if you ask me.  Still,  after 30 years of practice as a psychotherapist (now happily retired), I have developed some ways to practice (being the operative word),letting go.  One of these is to regularly visualise a gentle wind blowing through my heart, taking with it all sadness, pain, frustratons etc and releasing them to the universe.  It all helps.