Tender Moments


Izzy Clift
Pen on Paper
53cm x 41cm Framed under Glass

Please Note This Artwork cannot be shipped or collected before 20th July 2024

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Izzy Clift
Pen on Paper
53cm x 41cm Framed under Glass

Please Note This Artwork cannot be shipped or collected before 20th July 2024

Izzy Clift
Pen on Paper
53cm x 41cm Framed under Glass

Please Note This Artwork cannot be shipped or collected before 20th July 2024

Emotional connections and social interaction are innate human experiences that are

reflected in all sentient beings, including wildlife. The pair of beautiful African buffaloes in

my work represent this. As animals and man share this unique experience, one can see

reflections of themselves and their relationships in the display of others’.

I have chosen to use black ballpoint pen in this work, as it allows me to capture detail, yet

further exhibits a vastness through the black ink against white paper creating a deep,

dramatic effect to enhance the emotive experience of the work and feeling of connection

that mirrors their own experience.