Grey Crowned Crane


Amanda McLean
Acrylic on Canvas
38cm x 76cm
Please Note This Artwork cannot be shipped or collected before 20th July 2024

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Amanda McLean
Acrylic on Canvas
38cm x 76cm
Please Note This Artwork cannot be shipped or collected before 20th July 2024

Amanda McLean
Acrylic on Canvas
38cm x 76cm
Please Note This Artwork cannot be shipped or collected before 20th July 2024

Having travelled to Africa, a couple of times, the first in the back of an open truck for 3

months camping, I was able to experience an Africa which embedded, into my memories,

the vastness of land, uniqueness of animals, people, and culture and the colours and light.

The Grey Crowned Crane was striking with its long legs, neck, height and its gold crown of

feathers, it seemed so regal.